Hasil pertambangan Indonesia sangat melimpah, tetapi, beberapa ahli mengungkapkan bahwa sektor tambang di Indonesia belum bisa dikelola dengan optimal. Sebabnya, mayoritas operasi perusahaan tambang hanya…
Ada banyak perusahaan SEO berperingkat tinggi di Indonesia. Semua menjanjikan solusi pengoptimalan mesin pencari secara profesional. Ada beberapa penyedia jasa SEO terbaik di Indonesia saat ini.…
GPS devices are an important thing to have on every sailor’s pockets. And it may be a challenging thing if you are looking for a…
Ships has been facing a lot of traffic as well as increase in trend. This as a result created more ship accident. Because the more…
Auto pilot system is a captain’s delight because they are able to use this to navigate the ship automatically. But using this have its own…
Whether it is an old ship, or a modern day invention, binnacle on ships are always a mysterious item. But it turns out that this…
Radar is a very important tool to have on every ships. Without a radar, a ship could easily just get lost and risk being in…
Phones are not just an ordinary tool that you need anymore. Even free marine compass apps can be fitted inside your own phone. Hence you…
Modern ships are filled with a lot of modern day technology. These can help navigation officers as well as sailors to sail especially in uncharted…
Sholat syuruq merupakan shalat sunnah yang dengan nama lain Isyraq. Jam sholat syuruq tidak jauh berbeda dengan sholat Dhuha yang dilakukan pada pagi hingga siang…